When you are going to have auto body repair after a major or minor accident, there are probably many thoughts going through your head. Maybe you are wondering how much it is going to cost, if it is even fixable, or how long will it take to fix my car? These are all natural thoughts most people have. But one decision that can become very important during this process is choosing repair or replacement.
Why Choose Repair?
Repair is chosen often when it comes to fixing a car. This is because it can be cheaper than ordering a new part and can be fixed sooner. If the mechanic finds the part is bent, he will repair it if it can be restored to its original condition. Many other factors influence if repairing is to be used,, such as the amount of damage or if the area is subject to any repetitive stressors. This can also be a choice for you to decide if you want a repair done or the part replaced, when either is an acceptable choice.
Opting for Replacement
If a repair cannot, or you do not want it to, be done then replacing the part must be performed. This does take time since the part must be ordered, if it’s not on already hand, and then installed. Depending on the location of the part, a mechanic could have easy access or have to remove other parts of the car to get to the one needing replacement. If upon inspection, the part is found to be kinked, then it must be replaced. A part is kinked if, upon straightening, there remains a deformed area and such work will cause a permanent change in the structure. You want to replace a kinked part because it will lose its integrity if repaired.
Knowing Is Half the Battle
Now that you know not only about repairs versus replacing parts but the benefits of both, you can make an informed decision when required. If money is an issue, then repair will usually be the better option but never repair a part that needs to be replaced. This can lead to a dangerous situation, such as causing your car to crash. Any auto body repair shop can perform both of these tasks so get your car fixed right away.